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Friday, February 28, 2014

BIG ART DAY - March 6

TEA's BIG ART Day is Thursday, March 6, 2014. There are excellent events happening across our state. 

Excellent events can be found at:

Be part of putting art education front and center in your community on March 6, 2014.  Be visual!

Share photos from your art activities with us and they may be featured on the SBISD website, Facebook or social media sites!

Dana Wade will be presenting a workshop on making Mexican Suns.

Spring Woods High
On Thurs. March 6, 2014 during T24 (9:30-11:05) SWHS art students plus 11th & 12th grade T-2-4 classes will attend Reverend Butter’s high energy ice carving show complete with music and chainsaws in the Tiger Gym.

March 4- All day
When I Grow Up….. Mural Large pieces of butcher paper will be placed in the main hallway with a variety of writing utensils. As students pass by to go to specials, lunch, recess, etc, they can stop and do a quick drawing of what they want to be when they grow up.

Art, music and health fitness teacher to let all students participate in big art day. We are going to let younger students use chalk to decorate our sidewalks. The older students will use sidewalk paint to create mandalas or collaborative circle paintings on the side of the gym's brick wall.

Bunker Hill
We are doing a writing activity where I’m creating a writing prompt based on Magritte and surrealism. Students will do this in class during Language Arts

All of Woodview will participate in a cooperative art project.  Each student and teacher will draw a self portrait (bust) on a sticky note.  Sticky notes will be put together in the shape of a beagle (our mascot)to be displayed.

Spring Branch Middle
At SBMS we are having an art gallery.  Our goal is to have a piece of art from every Pre AP student hanging in the gallery. The gallery will be open to the public and to our students and parents.  We are working with the 6th grade Language Arts teachers to provide a Cross Curriculum lesson. 6th grade students will attend the gallery with a Critical Analysis check sheet.  The 6th grade students will pick a piece of artwork to analyze.  6th grade students will then go back to their rooms and write about the piece of art they choose to analyze.

Memorial High
Jose Perez will be spending the day with me/sharing about his life as an artist and demonstrating how to start and finish a portrait

School wide art display and promote Big Art Day

Doing artist trading cards and are putting in a garden loom at the end of the month.

Wilchester Elementary will be having a school wide art display  with art from all grade levels as well as art, music and physical education joining forces to create a Walk of Fame Sidewalk Chalk Walk throughout our playground area.  All teachers will create an aluminum sculpture for display in our library, the mural “One Piece” will be completed and unveiled and 5th graders are creating Random Acts of Art that will be placed in random places throughout the community with a link taking them back to the Wilchester Art website explaining Big Art Day and Youth Art Month!

Cornerstone is doing "HEARTS FOR ART" for "Big Art Day".
The entire school is participating! Plans are that all 300+ hearts will be hung on the very large display
board outside the Cornerstone Office for all to see!!!

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