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Friday, April 4, 2014

Good Neighbor Supports Literacy in Spring Branch

Growing up did your parents read to you? Did you have a child-sized library of well loved and worn books, each filled with fantastic adventures and a wide world in which your imagination could travel?

Fond memories of shared stories about big red dogs, curious monkey and bears that ate too much honey are what we think of when we look back on childhood.  Take a look inside this fun event!  Watch video here >>

However, for some families there are no adventures or imaginary travels, there are no books. Thankfully, Bess the Book Bus has been on the road since 2002 working to ensure every child, no matter what their situation, can share in the wonder and amazement offered by books and a love of reading.

With support from SBISD Good Neighbor partner CITGO, Bess made a stop at Pine Shadows Elementary and Nottingham Elementary recently to share a few great stories and send every pre-kindergartener and kindergartner home with their very own book for his or her personal reading library.

On Bess' 2014 tour, Transitions Success in Sight, the book bus promises to serve 25,000+ students in more than 35 states! As an SBISD Good Neighbor, CITGO has partnered with SBISD to provide opportunities and resources to many of our students this school year. Last summer, CITGO employees generously donated bins of school supplies to Shadow Oaks Elementary, ensuring students were prepared with pens, pencils, backpacks and supplies for the school year. Additionally, CITGO sponsored a perfect attendance challenge at both Northbrook and Spring Woods high schools.

In February, five students from each campus were awarded with a Kindle Fire to recognize their perfect attendance; students are competing now for a second round of giveaways in late May. Most recently, CITGO donated a series of iPads to support the flipped learning experience at Spring Woods and Northbrook high schools, giving students access to content and knowledge outside the walls of their classrooms.

Good Neighbor partners like CITGO are supporting SBISD’s T-2-4 goal to double the number of students attaining some form of higher education – a technical certification, military training, a two-year degree or a four-year degree. We thank all of our Good Neighbors for your continued partnership!

DOWNLOADS: View photo gallery from this on SBISD's SMUGMUG photo sharing website.

To learn more about how you can become a Good Neighbor, visit

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