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Friday, October 13, 2017

Stronger Together After Harvey

In the weeks after Hurricane Harvey, the Spring Branch community has come together in so many ways to support students, families and staff who are hurting. One example is the strong partnership between the school district, Communities in Schools and Chapelwood United Methodist Church, one of so many faith partners.

Below is a special email message issued recently by SBISD Community Relations Officer Linda Buchman on the strength of this partnership:

“Many of us opened our hearts and our wallets in the immediate aftermath of Harvey to help family, friends and people we don’t even know. This outpouring has created a tremendous bank of support within the Spring Branch ISD community.

If you have been affected in any way or you are continuing to help others affected by Harvey (financially, providing meals, etc.), please reach out to your campus’ Communities In Schools (CIS) project manager/wellness counselor. CIS has direct access to hundreds of resources, including mental health services, as well as the vast Harvey-relief resources of CIS community partner, Chapelwood United Methodist Church. Chapelwood can provide everything from grocery and clothing gift cards to rent assistance, meal delivery, laundry help, and more.

As our SBISD community continues to recover, needs will evolve. This is most certain as we enter into the holiday season.

We as a district have leaned on our long-time partner, Communities In Schools of Houston, to help us guide families and staff through this most extraordinary event. Crisis handling is what CIS does. So please reach out.

Lastly, if Harvey has proven one thing, it’s that we are stronger together.”

Linda Buchman

Communities In Schools (CIS) project manager/wellness counselor list >>

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