Are you interested in learning more about how to pay for college or career training after high school? What can you do to prepare today for a BRIGHTER tomorrow?
Save the Date! Funding Your Future Event
Saturday, January 30
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Saturday, January 30
8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Spring Woods High School
Be on the lookout for SBISD's Funding Your Future Event. Save the date and join us at Spring Woods High School on Saturday, January 30. This event is for any student, parent or family interested in learning more about financial planning for college, career and post-secondary training.
Learning about financial aid now can help you cruise into your future armed with knowledge and ready to achieve your dreams! It's not just about funding's about career training and making a post-seconadry plan to achieve your dream! Look for more details on this event on the SBISD website under FOR STUDENTS. Bookmark it today!
Learn more about financial aid >>
Learn more about financial aid >>
Are you a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR? Get your FSA ID!
The free application for Federal Student Aid (or FAFSA) application opens on Friday, Jan. 1, 2016. While you wait, you can create your FSA ID (Federal Student Aid ID)! Your FSA ID allows you to easily access and submit your FAFSA online. If you previously had a PIN# you can link your PIN to you new FSA ID.
Visit to create your FSA ID today.
Save your FSA ID in a safe place! You will need it to access your FAFSA account.
Stay Connected, Make a Plan
Over the holiday break is a great time to discuss your family plans for filing taxes and to think about applying for Financial Aid. Make sure to check the SBISD website and with your campus or more information on upcoming events and FAFSA/TAFSA deadlines. Visit and bookmark the STUDENT PAGE of the SBISD website for more information and helpful links!
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