Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Employee Wellness Challenge

The employee wellness office would like for you all to send out a challenge to your staff. We offered this challenge last year, and received positive feedback and success stories of  changed lives for the better for those who participated. They shared how they had gotten back to where they were in College, more energy in the workplace, and just more enjoyable for them.

The challenge will officially kick off on January 20th, and will run for 10 weeks taking us right up to the week before Spring Break, where all documentation and scoring will need to be submitted by March 14th. We need your help to share this employee wellness opportunity with your campus as soon as possible.

Accountability is huge, so your campuses are encouraged to create a team of up to 4 to complete different areas of wellness. There are 3 categories that will be scored.

  1. Healthy Service Activity- participants will earn points for all healthy events that they attend such as a 5K, or Campus Wellness events
  2. Weekly Wellness Activities- Participants will earn points based on physical movement activities such as walk, run, cross fit, etc
  3. Wellness Assessment- Participants will earn points based on completion of online assessments, which help them for creating goals

There is a registration fee of $20 per participant, and that can be sent to the West Transition Campus (2100 Shadowdale Dr, Houston TX 77043)

Dates to remember >>

Challenge Form >>


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